Ideas And Topics For Writing An Essay| Essay Collection

Ideas And Topics For Writing An Essay| Essay Collection


 Essay Collection

An Essay, In Its Most Basic Form, Is A Type Of Writing That Presents The Author’s Opinions On A Given Topic And Offers Evidence To Support Those Opinions.

However, There Are Many Different Types Of Essays, Each With Its Own Focus And Writing Style.

To Write An Effective Essay, You Need To Choose The Right Essay Writing Topic That Matches Your Audience And Supports Your Thesis (Or Main Idea).

Here Are Some Of The Most Popular Essay Topics For Students, Organized By Category.

Essays Are A Common Assignment In High School And College Classes, So It’s Important To Learn How To Write One Well.

From The Introductory Paragraph To The Conclusion, There Are Many Essential Steps That Go Into Producing An Excellent Essay.

To Help You Come Up With Your Own Ideas And Improve Your Writing Skills, Here Are The Top 10 Essay Writing Topics And Ideas For Students Of All Grade Levels.

If You’re Looking To Write An Essay, But Don’t Know Where To Start, Don’t Worry! Essay Writing Can Be One Of The Most Interesting And Challenging Academic Exercises You Encounter In Your Lifetime, And,

If You Use Our Guide On The Top  Essay Writing Topics And Ideas, It Can Also Be One Of The Most Fun! Check Out These Great Essay Topics And Ideas To Get Started On Your Next Writing Assignment!

Essay On My Favorite Subject

My Favorite Subject Math

My Favorite Subject English

My Favorite Subject Science

Essay On Favorite Scientist

My Favourite Scientist- APJ Abdul Kalam

My Favorite Scientist Albert Einstein

My Favorite Scientist Stephen Hawking

Essay On  Science &Technology

Science And Technology

The Blessings Of Science

Computer Science

Essay On: Computer

Essay On: Cyber Crime 

Essay On: Internet

Essay On: Mobile Phone

Essay On: Science

Essay On: Smart Phone

Essay On : Technology

Wonders Of Science

Essay On: Online Shopping

Essay On: Technology In Education 

Science In Everyday Life

Essay On Pollution

Essay On: Pollution

Air Pollution

Climate Change

Environmental Pollution 

Global Warming

Noise Pollution

Plastic Pollution

Soil Pollutions

Water Pollution

Essays Topics About Yourself

My Aim In Life

হোয়াট ইজ এসইও ? What is seo [2019] Bangla

হোয়াট ইজ এসইও ?

seo images. হোয়াট ইজ এসইও

SEO কথাটি শব্দগত ফুলমেনিং হচ্ছে Search Engine Optimization এর থেকে আমরা কিছুটা আন্দাজ করতে পারি Search Engine সাথে Optimization রিলেটেড কিছু একটা এই SEO বিষয়টি আরও ক্লিয়ার বুঝা যাবে

যদি আমরা একটু প্রেকটিকেল এই চিন্তা করি মনে করুন, আপনি একটি ল্যাপটপ কম্পিউটার কিনবেন । এখন ল্যাপটপ কম্পিউটার কেনার জন্য আমার সেই সম্পর্কে দাম জানতে হবে। যে আসলে কোন Laptop কেমন Price এখন আমি দামটা কিভাবে জানতে পারি।

একটি হতে পারে, আপনি  সরাসরি ল্যাপটপের দোকানে গিয়ে সেখান থেকে দাম জানতে পারেন  আরেকটি হতে পারে আপনি বাসায় বসে আপনার কম্পিউটারে ইন্টারনেট ওপেন করে Laptop Price In Bangladesh লিখে Search করবেন।

আমরা যারা ইন্টারনেট ব্যবহার করি তারা সবাই কমবেশি লাইফে কখনো কখনো আমাদের তথ্য খুজে বের করার জন্য সার্চ করেছে এই google গিয়ে সার্চ করলাম Search  করার পর আপনার সামনে অনেক website চলে আসবে। 

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ওয়েবসাইটগুলোতে আমরা ল্যাপটপ কম্পিউটারের বিভিন্ন প্রাইস বিভিন্ন ইনফরমেশন জানতে পারবেন  এবং এখান থেকে আপনি সেই তথ্যগুলো সহজেই জেনে নিতে পারবেন। 

এখন এই যে আপনি  সার্চ করলেন এখানে মেইন বিষয়টি কি হয়েছে আপনি এ গিয়ে সার্চ করলেন  এখানে Google এর ভূমিকা হচ্ছে Google  একটি Search Engine.

সার্চ ইঞ্জিন মানে হচ্ছে এমন একটি সফটওয়্যার বা এমন একটি অনলাইন বেস্ট Website যেখানে আমরা আমাদের তথ্য সহজে খুঁজে সার্চ করে খুঁজে বের করতে পারি ।

তার মানে এখানে সার্চ ইঞ্জিনের ভূমিকা পালন করছে এবং সেটা আপনি যে তথ্যটি লিখে সার্চ করেছেন সেই তথ্য রিলেটেড টপিক গুলো খুজে বের করে দিয়েছে এখানে একটি জিনিস লক্ষ্য করুন আপনি কি কখনো ভেবে দেখেছেন Google

একটি আমেরিকান প্রতিষ্ঠিত হওয়া সত্বেও এখানে বাংলাদেশী ওয়েবসাইট গুলো এমন কে বাংলাদেশ এখানে দেখুন এক নাম্বারে যে সাইটে আছে

প্রথমে Rayans Computer এটি আমাদের দেশের লোকাল একটি কম্পিউটার শপ এই কম্পিউটারের দোকান এর ওয়েবসাইট কিভাবে একটি আমেরিকান প্রতিষ্ঠান Search Engine চলে আসলো কখন কে বিষয়টা এভাবে ভেবেছেন?

তাহলে কি এই website  কর্তৃপক্ষ গুগলকে কোন টাকা দিয়েছে এখানে আনার জন্য Google সাথে কি তাদের কোন চুক্তি হচ্ছে না আসলে ঠিক যে অপটিমাইজেশন গুলো করার ফলে
এই ওয়েবসাইটগুলো Google Search Result এসেছে বা সার্চ ইঞ্জিনের Search Results চলে এসেছে 

সেই অপটিমাইজেশন গুলোকেই সংক্ষেপে সার্চ ইঞ্জিন অপটিমাইজেশন বা SEO বলা হয়
যদি এক লাইনে বলতে চাই সার্চ ইঞ্জিনের সাথে আমার ওয়েবসাইটের যে অপটিমাইজেশন সেটাকেই সার্চ ইঞ্জিন অপটিমাইজেশন বলে

এবং সার্চ ইঞ্জিন অপটিমাইজেশনের যেটা একমাত্র কাজ সেটা হচ্ছে আমার ওয়েবসাইট গুলো যখন আমার ওয়েবসাইটে রিলেটেড টপিক নিয়ে মানুষ গুগলে সার্চ করবে তখন যেন আমার.
সার্চ ইঞ্জিনের রেজাল্টে প্রদর্শিত হয় এটাই হচ্ছে মূলত এসইওর কাজ

কিন্তু এখন এসইও কি সেটা আশা করি আপনি বুঝতে পেরেছেন ।এখন একটি প্রশ্ন জাগতে সে সেটা হচ্ছে এই যে একটা সহজ ব্যাপার আমরা গুগলে সার্চ করলাম আর আমাদের ওয়েবসাইট চলে আসলো।

এবং ওয়েবসাইট পাওয়া গেল এই সহজ এবং ছোট্ট একটি ব্যাপার কে কেন্দ্র করে কেন চারদিকে তো কথা শোনা যায় কারণ আপনি অনলাইন আর্নিং এর কথা শুনেছেন বা ফ্রিল্যান্সিং এর নাম শুনেছেন কিন্তু এসইওর কথা শুনেন নাই

এমন লোক আমাদের দেশে নেই বললেই চলে আপনি যদি অনলাইনে না থাকেন এসইওর কথা তাহলে মনে রাখবেন যে আপনি হয়তো অনেক বড় একটা কিছুই মিস করেছেন

এসইওর নলেজ না থাকলে আপনি ইন্টারনেটে যে সেক্টরেই কাজ করেন না কেন লাইফে কখনো না কখনো আপনাকে লজ্জার সম্মুখীন হতে হবে ।

VidIQ For Youtube | Best tool kit for Youtube| 2019

vid iq for youtube features images

Why YouTubers Need Channel Management Toolkit

YouTube just needs much maintenance and restraint time, just like all other social media accounts. To improve the content of the audience, a lot of time and patience will be required to respond to millions of comments in an account of more than a thousand subscribers to update content. You will spend so much time managing your account, that you will not have enough time left to create new content!


The creator of YouTube content is the goal and tons of weird customers. But creating great content, uploading it and hoping that YouTube will laugh at your content and make you famous, but it will not work. 

There is a YouTuber seizing every opportunity available for them to increase the visibility of their channels. Because of being a YouTube creator, you're far more influential than a traditional Hollywood celebrity, In fact, 70% of YouTube's teenage subscribers claim they are related to YouTube influential than them!

Analyze the visibility software and the journey in the VideoIQ is YouTube-certified management and the suite of audience development tools suitable for this purpose. 

It's a great way to integrate with YouTube, help you with various video editing, YouTube SEO, Twitter and Facebook engagement analysis, comment moderation or bulk editing. VidIQ takes action on channel management and marketing to ensure you reach a larger target audience.

VidIQ comes as a plugin or browser extension and the operation is very intuitive. Like a tube ladder, whose dashboard covers your screen, the Videocon is nicely as the icon icon on the right side of your browser toolbar. If needed, its real-time statistics bar panel can be analyzed and accessed on the right side of your video content.

Like many like TubeBuddy, many VCDQ features are free so you can take it for a test drive before earning money financially in its premium features. Below are some fantastic elements of VidIQ.
Custom Reporting and Analysis

This VidIQ tool helps to tune YouTube channels on how to drive their channel clock time. Some of its features include an attachment analysis graph that represents a bird's-eye view under a roof of all your channel's Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube growth statistics. VDiQ's analysis features hit YouTube users because it is organized and well-presented.

There is a "Data Best Time" feature to post on YouTube, which ensures that your channel's programming schedule is covered for optimum energies. 

And if you are interested in your audience's population through gender or location, then you can see this data under the YouTube AdSense demographics feature. 

Another analysis feature that may interest you, by the time viewers' source data, which also shows the top Google and YouTube title keywords that run during the clock.
Influential Discoveries

A good analysis tool should enjoy your customers' analysis and VidIQ has all of this a pat down. This information will tell you about viewing, commenting and liking your content. 

And if you want to know what your customers are watching from other channels or who they subscribe too much from you, then you need this feature. This pro feature will help you to know how to contact them for your super fans and permanent engagement.

Channel Management Services

VidIQ's premium channel management service shows channel audits, support, and account strategies so that your content strategy is suitable for your customers.

Workflow Automation
Along with great content, keywords, tags, cards, and annotations will help customers quickly find your content and increase their watch time. These items need to be optimized more efficiently, but with tags, for example, having a 500 character limit, you have to be patient with yourself for hundreds of videos in your channel. 

VidIQ's Workflow Automation feature will save you all the money, time and sanity and automatically save these functions so you can get back to doing what is good; Excellent content made!

Community Management

Every YouTube user likes it when they are enough to comment on it, but what happens when all the fans swim with thousands of opinions? Use VIDC for feedback, community sharing, and video uploads.

19 Things You Have To do For increase Your SEO score | It-next bd

SEO features images

If you rely on people to find you through Google search, then Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will be at the top of your preference list.

If no one finds you, you can not create Leads for your business.

Have you started with search engine with 93% experience on the Internet?

What happens after someone does a search?

There is a 33% chance of clicking on Google's top results.

This means that if you are not the number on the page, you missed only one third of the potential traffic.

What's more surprising is that 75% of people do not even click on the second page of search results.
Why Google's other websites are more than you, because of the fact that they are making conscious efforts to improve their SEO.

Fortunately, it's not too late to start.

You can do something to increase your chances of getting higher positions in Google searches.
I've identified 34 ways to improve your SEO ranking. Here they are.

1. Improve your page loading speed

Your page is important for a few reasons during loading.
If your load speed is slow, Google will recognize it and it will damage your ranking. However, a slow website will also affect the way your website visitors engage with your pages. See how abandoned rates are rising for websites while loading long pages:

Research shows that pages take more than 3 seconds to load, but 40% of visitors will leave the websites.
More frustrating than 80% of the visitors will not return to that website.

This is terrible for your SEO ranking because of it ultimately kills your site's traffic.

But next to the flip, when your page loads fast, people are coming back.

Google's algorithm recognizes the popularity of your website and accordingly adjusts your search ranking accordingly.

Free online png is available if you want to test your website speed.

This will allow you to test your website from different places around the world.

2. High-quality content production

How often do you update your website?

If you did not touch it from the day you created it, you probably do not have great SEO ranking right now.

To increase traffic to your website and increase its popularity, you have to give the reason for returning viewers.

Your content should be of high quality, recent, and relevant.

Another factor influencing your SEO ranking is the so-called live time.

This relates how much time spent on your website per visitor.

If your site contains fresh, exciting or newsworthy information, it will keep viewers on your page longer and improve your stay time.

The website that provides highly informative content usually has long time to live.
Here's something else to consider.

Google Chrome controls about 45% of the market share of internet browsers, making it the world's most popular browser.

Chrome will continue to be growing continuously as the most downloaded browser of 2017:

When users bookmark your website from your Google Chrome browser, it can help your SEO rankings.

High quality and relevant content will increase the likelihood of your website bookmarked by visitors.

3. Optimize your photos

I'm referring to the reason as a file format and size.
A huge image can slow down your page loading, which I said, your ranking hurts.

Customize them or compress your images.

You can steal your images by naming them accordingly.

For example, suppose you have a website that sells toilets or other bath products.
Instead of naming a figure some "shampoo 1", you can name it "best shampoo for long hair".

You can strategically use captions or description titles as well as your picture titles.

4. Break your content with the title tag

The title is another way to help improve your user experience on your website.
They break the content and make it easy to read or skim.

Plus, the header looks all the more interesting, which is always beneficial.

If your website is just a wall of text, it will discourage people to spend a lot of time.
As a result, your SEO ranking will be damaged.

If you are running your site at WordPress, you can easily change the title tag.

5. Use the outgoing link

You can do anything to increase the credibility of your website.

Sure, you can claim, but it looks better if you back them up.

All your data claims should be linked with credible and authoritative sources.

From now on you can see what you are reading, I do it myself.

But here's another example that explains what I'm saying from a blog post, I wrote about creating Leads on Twitter:

Quotes from sources of authority in all my events.

And I'm sure that those outgoing hyperlinks from websites use.

You should not only link to the authority sites but all information should be confirmed recently.

Outbound links to the organization will not be effective from 2009 and will not be effective for your SEO ranking.

You should include internal links.

These links point to viewers on other pages of your website.

I used this technique in the first sentence of this section.

If you scroll back up and click the link, you will be redirected to another fast sprout blog post.

6. Add more than text

The content on your website should not be written in words only.
As I said earlier, the pictures are great, but you can add more to improve your SEO ranking.

All of these can help improve the user experience.

At the beginning, consumers want to watch more videos:

It's much easier to see than reading about it.

But there are direct links between videos and other multimedia sources on your website, and it is SEO ranking

These features can dramatically improve anyone who spend time on your website.
Depending on the length of your videos, people may be on your page for a few minutes.
If so, it will definitely increase your search ranking.

8. Make sure your site is readable

Remember your audience while you are writing content on your website.

If you want people to visit your site and spend time there, you can talk about conditions.
Do not try to sound like a doctor or lawyer (even if you are one).

Your content should be written in a way that most people understand.
Not sure if your content is readable?

You can use online resources to help you.

One of my personal favorites is

Tools like this can help you identify words that may be too long or difficult for people to understand.

9. Fix any broken link

If you use the authority websites for hyperlinks, you do not have to worry about breaking links.
But it can still happen.

Broken links can crash your SEO ranking.

Also, the link that you provide to your visitors does not look good when they bring them to an illegal website.

You can use tools like Dead Link Checker to search for links to your website errors:

When you sign up, you can set up your account to automatically check.

If a link dies at any time, you will be contacted directly so that you can replace it.

You can use these resources to monitor other websites related to your industry.

How Can Your SEO Help?

Well, if a link dies on any other website, you can notify the webmaster of that page and instead ask to replace the dead link with a link on your website.

You are making a favor to inform them of any problem with their site, so they may be interested in giving you a refund.

This will drive more traffic to your website. Outbound links from other websites on your page will also help to improve your SEO rankings.

10. Optimize your site for mobile devices

I'm sure that you know, mobile usage is increasing.

It's growing so fast that it actually exceeds computer and laptop devices.
In fact, 60% comes from Google search mobile devices.

Clearly, Google recognizes it and places sits accordingly.
Your website needs mobile optimization for users.
There is no way around this.

If your site is not optimized, it will adversely affect your ranking and prevent user experience.

11. Format your page properly

Take your time when you are coming up with a format for your website.
It will be clean, clean, organized, and uncluttered.

Consider things like your font size and typography.
Use color text, bold font, and italics sparingly.

Things like bullet points and checklists make viewers easy to scan through your content.
They've got a simple picture and a reasonable amount of text.

How to text formatting makes people easy to read, especially with bullet points.
As you can see, Square also includes several title tags and subheadings on their page.

If your website is confused with many images, ads, colors and text blocks, then it can be unfathomable.

Your site architecture and navigation also included in this category.
A clean layout and design will improve your SEO ranking.

12. Provide appropriate contact information

Not being able to say incredible presence, have you ever struggled to find business contact information on a website?
I know I have.

This does not happen.

All your contact information should be clear and simple.

The way that people forgot to include your phone number, email address and the location is only the worst thing that could start reporting your website.

This will ruin your SEO.

13. Encourage social media sharing

Every business and website will be active in social media.

That's quite a lot of common sense.

But what's not known is that if SEO people share your website link to social media, then your SEO ranking may improve.

Here is an example from a Pest Control Website Case Study that they run a campaign that is specifically designed to increase social sharing:

Infographic was divided to 1,117 times in just two weeks.

Within two weeks, the website's organic search traffic increased by 15%.

As a result, their SEO rankings are as good as improving.

And that was just a few weeks.

Imagine the results if you encourage social sharing as a a regular part of your SEO campaigns.
One of the best ways to do this is with social sharing icons in all your content.
Links to your social media pages should be shared.

When that information is displayed in the timeline of the person, it is only a click to share it.

14. Use keywords

The keywords play a major role in this formula.

If you want to include words you will search people across your content.

But it does not sparingly

If you align your website with keywords, Google will rise above it and it will have adverse effects on your ranking.

Keywords should fit naturally in sentences.

Include them in the title of your title tag even images.

You also have to use long-tail keywords, which are three or four-word phrases that can be found in the search.

For example, someone would probably not find the word "phone" when someone is looking for something.

But they can optionally type the phrase "best phone for texting".

If your keywords match their search, your website will have more opportunities to get higher order.

15. Write clickable titles and descriptions

It will let you know when writing a title for search engines ... You have 65 characters to enter your title.

You can enter the best title but it can be cut if it is more than 65 characters. This is what you will see:

This does not require rankings for "digital marketing" only.

How can you change this title tag to optimize it more? I want to write it again: "Digital Marketing: 2015 Rule Book. Change or Destruction."

In this way, you can proceed with two keywords.

17. Write a great meta description

The meta description you will have to optimize later.

If you see the source code, the tag looks like this:

If you use the WordPress plugin like a one-one-one pack, you will find this form below your blog editor:

Google has made it easy to give tips on how to create a good description. Here are the two most important:

Them make them descriptive - related articles related to front load keywords. If you like the formula, ask "Who? What? Why? Where? Where?" This is a source used to report journalists. It works equally well while writing descriptions.

 Make them unique - each meta description should be different from the description of other pages.
Make them short - Google limits descriptions of 160 characters or fewer.

The meta description is not as important as the title of your title, it is the ones who do not pay more attention to the details; it is still important from SEO ranking perspective. So do not ignore it!

18. Create a mobile application

Perhaps you think I'm crazy, but listen to me: Creating a mobile application can help your SEO.
Approved, it is a rather expensive option, but it is an investment.

How can an app authorize your SEO? Google is now indexing apps in Google search, including firebox app indexing.

When people search keywords in best Youtube niche in 2020, they can find your app and it creates some juicy SEOs.
For example, when you search for "Reserve a restaurant" on Google, you will get an app on the page:

When your app pops up in Google Search, it automatically becomes a valuable asset.
But go back to the main point - you can see the benefits of having a high-ranking application on Google. Yes, it is expensive, but it is so valuable.

19. Use the Hidden Glossary Index (LSI)

Although hidden peripheral indexing (LSI) is very strong, many sites are not using it. And it's embarrassing because LSI can boost your site a serious SEO boost.

LSI is the process search engine that uses to find keywords related to your key keywords. In other words, LSI looks for synonyms for keywords.

For example, if you wrote an article about Facebook, you would include "Social Media Network" as "LSI Keyword".

Which Categories Best On YouTube Videos| updated| it next bd

which categories is the best on youtube

Here, is the list of best categories on the YouTube Videos


The easiest way to get started with a YouTube channel is to do the Vlogging, because there is no need for additional equipment other than a device with a video camera capturing. Vloggers usually spend time talking about the camera's own life, thoughts, opinions, concerns and even current news topics or events.


Among high-end consumer electronics, unboxing is a big deal and a huge trend on YouTube. When a new product launches, such video pops up and draws the attention of the viewers, who search for the product determines that it is worth buying for themselves. Product owners open the boxed product for the first time to show its content.


Unboxing videos show you what you see from a product, but most likely searches for potential consumers who have already tried, tested and used a product (or service) for a specific amount. And it does not have to be gadget-related-people upload video reviews for some and everything. What things are you already using that you can become a useful and informative video review?

Video gaming

People definitely do not love playing video games. They love to play other sports too. A YouTube graphene on Maricopa's YouTube channel, which has 22 million subscribers. Viewers like to play games while giving opinions to YouTube users, they can gain insight into how they can play well for themselves or just as entertaining.


People will always be confused and confused by technology. Rather than digging the old product manual, more people are launching on YouTube. You can find everything from JavaScript coding and jailbreaking the photoshop editing and iPhone from pc problem-solving. You do not have to be a tech wiz-what you have to do is show effective strategies that you already know how to run.


Got some musical talent? Then you can share it on YouTube. Its VioVo integration is not only huge music on YouTube, but it is interesting to hear and listen to the original songs or covers of daily normal people like you. Artists and bands have been discovered on YouTube, and this is a great way to start channels for most of the music or group these days, but they dream of their career under that path.


Recipes with list of ingredients and step-by-step instructions are great, but most of the stuff can be stuffed, it does not show anything live and in the workplace. With cooking videos, viewers can see what strategies you use and get a clue about how to look at each stage of the combined material. Even if you get easy food or snake ideas, it's worth sharing on YouTube. People are always looking for recipes that are simple and practical.


What could be more exciting than traveling in a new place? Even if you are relatively local, even if the visitors have not traveled there before, most of them are interested in around. Combine with the many touring of YouTube creators with travel, recording and describing their digital cameras with them


If you are planning to pursue a doctorate in a particular scientific field or you only enjoy a hobby like a singer, it is a great way to share what you know on YouTube, which is deeply sensual and knowledgeable to thousands of visitors all over the world. And hey, it will challenge your presentation skills! You can get bonus points from your visitors if you are an attractive, casual way that can be easy to understand and teach.


If you have only one skill to say acting skills or sunny jokes, you can turn it into something that offers enough entertainment to subscribe to subscribers and share your videos. Comedic sketch is one way of doing that. 

You can add any suggestions to this list above, such as learning by playing with vlogging or comedy, it can place a fun spin in it. You can have some fun about you if you really get creative; Check out these violent YouTube videos for some examples.

Makeup / Beauty Tutorial

Makeup, hair, skincare, fashion and other related beauty regimens are often needed to be seen. Instead of easily reading a few steps in the curriculum, it is much easier to see the effect of a winged isina effect by someone else.